(National Electrical Manufacturers
Association) (Excerpts from NEMA Standards-April 1980) Reference
Publication No. IKS
NEMA TYPE 1. General Purpose - Type 1 enclosures are
intended for use indoors, primarily to prevent accidental contact of
personnel with the enclosed equipment, in areas where unusual service
conditions do not exist. See Part ICS 1-108. In addition, they provide
protection against falling dirt.
NEMA TYPE 2. Dripproof-Indoor - Type 2 enclosures are
intended for use indoors to protect the enclosed equipment against falling
non-corrosive liquids and failing dirt. They shall have provision for
drainage. If provision is made for the entrance of conduit at the top, it
shall consist of a conduit hub or the equivalent. When completely and
properly installed, these enclosures shall prevent the entrance of
dripping liquid at a higher level than the lowest live part within the
Rain tight and Sleet - (Ice-) Resistant-Outdoor - Type 3
enclosures are intended for use outdoors to protect the enclosed equipment
against windblown dust and water. They are not sleet- (ice-) proof. They
shall have conduit hubs or equivalent provision for watertight connection
at the conduit entrance, mounting means external to the equipment cavity,
and provision for locking.

NEMA TYPE 3R. Rainproof and Sleet-
(Ice-) Resistant-Outdoor - Type 3R enclosures are intended for
use outdoors to protect the enclosed equipment against rain and meet the
requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Publication No. UL 508,
applying to "Rainproof Enclosures." They are not dust-, snow-, nor sleet
(ice-) proof. They shall have conduit hub or equivalent provision for
watertight connection at the conduit entrance when the conduit enters at a
level higher than the lowest live part, provision for locking, and
provision for drainage. When completely and properly installed, these
enclosures shall prevent the entrance of rain at a level higher than the
lowest live part.
Rain tight and Sleet- (ice-) Proof-Outdoor - Type 3S enclosures
are intended for use outdoors to protect the enclosed equipment against
windblown dust and water and to provide for its operation when the
enclosure is covered by external ice or sleet. These enclosures do not
protect the enclosed equipment against malfunction resulting from internal
icing; where this is a requirement, the apparatus manufacturer should be
consulted. These enclosures shall have conduit hubs or equivalent
provision for watertight connection at the conduit entrance, mounting
means external to the equipment cavity, and provision for locking. In
addition, they shall have sleet- (ice-) proof operating mechanisms, the
ability to support the additional weight of the ice, and the ability to
withstand removal of the ice by a hand tool to permit access to the
enclosure interior.

NEMA TYPE 4. Watertight and
Dust tight-Indoor and Outdoor - Type 4 enclosures are intended for use
indoors or outdoors to protect the enclosed equipment against splashing
water, seepage of water, failing or hose directed water, and severe
external condensation. They are sleet-resistant but not sleet- (ice-)
proof. They shall have conduit hubs or equivalent provision for watertight
connection at the conduit entrance and mounting means external to the
equipment cavity.
NEMA TYPE 4X. Watertight,
Dust tight and Corrosion-Resistant - In door and Outdoor - Type 4X
enclosures have the same provisions as Type 4 enclosures and, in addition,
are corrosion-resistant.
NEMA TYPE 5. Superseded by Type 12 for Control Apparatus.
NEMA TYPE 6. Submersible,
Watertight, Dust tight and Sleet-( Ice-) Resistant-Indoor and Outdoor
- Type 6 enclosures are intended for use
indoors or outdoors where occasional submersion is encountered. They shall
protect the enclosed equipment against a static head of water of 6 feet
for 30 minutes, dust, splashing or external condensation of non corrosive
liquids, falling or hose-directed water, lint and seepage. They are not
sleet- (ice-) proof. They shall have conduit hubs or equivalent provision
for watertight-connection at the conduit entrance and mounting means
external to the equipment cavity.

NEMA TYPE 7. Class
1, Division 1, Group A, B, C or D- Indoor Hazardous
Locations-Air-break Equipment - Type 7 enclosures are intended for use
indoors, in the atmospheres and locations defined as Class 1, Division I
and Group A, B, C or D in the National Electrical Code. The letter or
letters A, B, C or D which indicate the gas or vapor atmospheres in the
hazardous location shall appear as a suffix to the designation "Type 7" to
give the complete NEMA designation and correspond to Class 1, Division 1,
Group A, B, C or D, respectively, as defined in the National Electrical
Code. These enclosures shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Industrial Control
Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations," UL 698, and shall be marked to
show the Class and Group letter designations.
NEMA TYPE 8. Class 1,
Division 1, Group A, B, C or D-indoor Hazardous Locations-Oil-immersed
Equipment - Type 8 enclosures are intended for use indoors, in the
atmospheres and locations defined as Class 1, Division I and Group A, B, C
or D in the National Electrical Code. The letter or letters A, B, C or D
which indicate the gas or vapor atmospheres in the hazardous location
shall appear as a suffix to the designation "Type 8" to give the complete
NEMA designation and correspond to Class 1, Division 1, Group A, B, C or
D, respectively, as defined in the National Electrical Code. These
enclosures shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., Publication No. UL 698, and shall be
marked to show the Class and Group letter designations.

NEMA TYPE 9. Class II,
Division 1, Group E, F, or G-indoor Hazardous Locations-Air-break
Equipment - Type 9 enclosures are intended for use indoors in the
atmospheres defined as Class 11, Division I and Group E, F, or G in the
National Electrical Code. The letter or letters E, F, or G which indicate
the dust atmospheres in the hazardous location shall appear as a suffix to
the designation "Type 9" to give the complete NEMA designation and
correspond to Class 11, Division 1, Group E, F, or G, respectively, as
defined in the National Electrical Code. These enclosures shall prevent
the ingress of explosive amounts of hazardous dust. if gaskets are used,
they shall be mechanically attached and of a noncombustible non
deteriorating, vermin proof material. These enclosures shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.,
Publication No. UL 698, and shall be marked to show the Class and Group
letter designations.
NEMA TYPE 10. MESA (Formally Bureau of Mines)
Type 10 enclosures shall be designed to meet the requirements of
Schedule 2G (1968) of the Mining Enforcement Safety Administration, U.S.
Department of the Interior, for equipment to be used in mines with
atmospheres containing methane or natural gas, with or without coal dust.
Additional information may be found in Bulletin 541 and Information
Circular 8227.

NEMA TYPE 11. Corrosion-resistant
and Drip proof- Oil-immersed-Indoor - Type 11 enclosures are
corrosion-resistant and are intended for use indoors to protect the
enclosed equipment against dripping, seepage and external condensation of
corrosive liquids. In addition, they protect the enclosed equipment
against the corrosive effects of fumes and gases by providing for
immersion of the equipment in oil. They shall have conduit hubs or
equivalent provision for watertight connection at the conduit entrance and
mounting means external to the equipment cavity.
NEMA TYPE 12. Industrial
Use-Dusting and Drip tight-Indoor - Type 12 enclosures are intended
for use indoors to protect the enclosed equipment against fibers, flying,
lint, dust and dirt, and light splashing, seepage, dripping and external
condensation of noncorrosive liquids. There shall be no holes through the
enclosure and no conduit knockouts or conduit openings, except that oil
tight or dust tight mechanisms may be mounted through holes in the
enclosure when provided with oil-resistant gaskets. Doors shall be
provided with oil-resistant gaskets. In addition, enclosures for
combination controllers shall have hinged doors, which swing horizontally
and require a tool to open. When intended for wall mounting, Type 12
enclosures shall have mounting means external to the equipment cavity,
captive closing hardware, and provision for locking.

tight and Dust tight-Indoor -
Type 13 enclosures are intended for use indoors primarily to house pilot
devices such as limit switches, foot switches, pushbuttons, selector
switches, pilot lights, etc., and to protect these devices against lint
and dust, seepage, external condensation, and spraying of water, oil or
coolant. They shall have oil resistant gaskets and, when intended for wall
or machine mounting, shall have mounting means external to the equipment
cavity. They shall have no conduit knockouts or unsealed openings
providing access into the equipment cavity. All conduit openings shall
have provision for oil tight conduit entry.
